Tags are required for everyone 12 years of age or older on all
beaches in Sea Isle City from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day.
Tags may be purchased at the Community Center (Beach Badge Office)
- 125 JFK Boulevard or from a beach badge inspector on the
beach. Beach tags are not required on Wednesdays unless
July 4th.
Beach tags: 2008
- $20.00 - seasonal tag
- $10.00 - weekly
tag (Saturday to Saturday)
- $5.00 - daily tag
Tag Office at 125 JFK Boulevard.
- 609-263-1771
8am-4pm Closed Wednesdays (July & August)

Purchase Seasonal Tags by Mail
Beach Tag Director
City Hall
4416 Landis Ave
Sea Isle City, NJ 08243
Forms Available Online: Sea
Isle City
Rates subject to change.
Beaches are protected by
lifeguards 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and 10:00 AM
to 5:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday. Bathing is permitted on
protected beaches only.
Protected Bathing Beaches are:
- 24th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 28th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 32nd Street -
Public Rest Room
- 34th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 38th Street
- 40th Street -
Public Rest Room - rafts and
- 43rd Street
- 44th Street -
Public Rest Room
- 45th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 48th Street -
- 50th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 54th Street
- 59th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 61st Street
- 65th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 71st Street
- 75th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 77th Street
- 81st Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 84th Street
- 85th Street -
Public Rest Room
- 87th Street
- rafts and boogie boards allowed
- 90th Street
Surfing and Kayaking* Beaches
- 25th Street - Volleyball
- 26th Street -
- 30th Street -
Kayaking - Volleyball
- 37th Street -
- 42nd Street -
- 48th Street -
- 52nd Street -
- 53rd
Street - Volleyball
- 56th Street -
- 57th Street - Volleyball
- 63rd
Street -
- 67th Street - Volleyball
- 72nd Street - Volleyball
- 74th Street -
- 79th Street -
- 88th Street - Volleyball
Surf Fishing is allowed on
beaches north of 20th Street. These beaches are not protected and
use them at your own risk. These beaches can also be used for
surfing and volleyball. Surf fishing is also allowed at any beach
area adjacent to rock jetties that is not designated as a surfing or
kayaking beach. Also allowed in the Townsends Inlet Bridge area
south of 93rd Street

The beachfront boardwalk or
promenade runs from 29th Street to 57th Street. It is
approximately a mile and a half long. It is perfect for just
walking and enjoying the sites and sounds of the surf or you can
bike, jog and even skate as it is blacktopped and not made of
boards. Shopping and eateries make it more enjoyable!
A Rules and Regulations Form Must Be Signed By All Kayak Renters.
1. A life jacket must be worn at all times
2. Anyone under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult
in a two seat kayak
3. Kayaks must stay 50 feet away from swimmers and rock jetties
4. Only one person is permitted per single seat kayak. No more than
two people are permitted per double seat kayak
5. Entering or exiting the water and riding waves must be done
between the boundary flags
6. Jumping off a kayak beyond the breaking waves is prohibited
7. Stay within 1/4 mile of the shore line.
8. Respect and consider the safety of other kayakers when riding